Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trip Talk

Well, you know it's been too long if your computer doesn't even recognize your Blog name!
I've got some good excuses though... well, I'd like to think so.
Our Family went to Europe to see some sights.
I LOVE Germany! It has never been on my List of places I needed to see, so I was so super happy by what greeted us when we arrived in this beautiful, hospitable country. Heading over I was afraid of the autobahns, but they were, at least the parts we travelled, some of the prettiest highways I have travelled. Rolling hills along the roadway, pastureland as far as you could see. The language difference gave us a bit of a giggle each time we went past an exit where it was signed "Ausfart". We'd hear it ring out from the back seat from my Oldest each time and there were quite a few. (Surprisingly, it made us all giggle each time. Okay, so not so surprisingly...we're so mature!) The towns we visited were postcard perfect. The castles magnificent.
We spent 5 days in Paris and the rest of the time going through a couple countries to get from Germany and back. We saw all the famous sites in Paris, of course and walked along the Seine.
One of days in Paris was spent at the Palace of Versailles. I loved the Gardens. You can almost hear the titter of the people from the Kings' Courts wandering the Grounds.... We were very lucky as it was a day the fountains were on for a few hours! Dancing fountains, and beautiful sprays from several all over the estate.

We had such a fabulous trip. We weren't gone this whole time, but we left just after school had started and when we returned for Canadian Thanksgiving, it took a bit of time to get into the routines of the new school year for me, in addition to dealing with jetlag (which hit me more than ever before. Is that age? ) Then it seemed like one thing after another, not the least of which: cattle to get to market,  and my Stampin'Up! business to get rolling again after my absence. Card classes held and planned and crafted for...Look at one of the gorgeous cards the Girls made. I found this incredible video tutorial from RaeDeen on creating leaves with paper and the newest Autumn Leaves Accents die...I knew I was going to be thrilled with that die being a Bigz die! I could cut out multiple sheets at a time. I made several cards and also decorated several branches in my entryway for some home decor.

My next class has had me creating a Stack of cards for Christmas. Stay tuned over the coming days as I share them with you! The entries may not be "wordy" but I'll post the cards over the coming week.
thanks for stopping by,
